SHS_SDO Benguet: Empowerment Technologies 12

SHS_SDO Benguet: Empowerment Technologies 12

Information and communication technologies as a tool for curating, contextualizing, collaborating, and creating content and experiences for learning in the professional tracks.

SHS_SDO BENGUET: Creative Non Fiction  copy 1

SHS_SDO BENGUET: Creative Non Fiction copy 1

In the previous grading period, you learned the different elements that make up a creative nonfiction piece or text. The plot, structure, characters, point of view, setting, atmosphere, tone, mood, symbols and figures of speech are like fibers that make up a whole and colorful tapestry when combined artistically in a literary piece; in this case, in a CNF story.

You were also given the opportunity to write samples of creative nonfiction, giving you a taste of how it feels like to write a creative nonfiction.

In this module, you will learn the different forms of creative nonfiction writing to better classify the kind of writing that you did previously and those that you will soon be doing.

SHS_SDO Benguet: Basic Calculus

SHS_SDO Benguet: Basic Calculus

This course completes the foundational knowledge on Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry of students who are planning to take courses in the STEM track.